Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thirsty Thursday?

Ok - everyone seems to have a blogging day lately and I don't have one!  We have Meg's "I can't help myself Friday" and Dawn in Austin's "Wordless Wednesday" - I wanna play too! 

Welcome to Thirsty Thursday at Ain't Miss Beehaven - Thirsty Thursday's will be reserved for some random thoughts as well as the beverage of choice for "Happy Hour" - maybe everyone will share their beverage of choice for that day and share any delightful summer time concoctions?  

This 1st "Thirsty Thursday" will be in memory of my friend John who passed away recently - he introduced me to Thirsty Thursday's when I first started working with him - RIP John and hope you are enjoying your Thirsty Thursday today!

Happy Hour at my house starts immediately after all children's activities - usually Pat has a Lacrosse game on Thursdays and depending on how good or bad the team does will usually dictate what the cocktail will be!  I'm hoping today will be a good game for the Hawk boys and I'll maybe have a couple of these later on!

If not - maybe a couple of these:

This is Pat last week - looking a little lonely in the offensive zone - that's because the other team kinda of whalloped our Hawk team - that's ok - we're a first year Varsity Team - gotta expect to take some lumps!

So - Good luck to Pat and his team today - Go Hawks!  Hope everyone enjoys their Thirsty Thursday!

Friday, April 9, 2010

What's wrong with society?

This story is really bothering me - maybe because I was once the victim of bullying.  Was this really necessary?  This happened in my home state of Mass - which pains me even more because I represent this state and my oldest son is in high school and he tells me this kind of thing doesn't happen in his school - he tells me the Seniors are nice to the younger kids and don't do this sort of thing.  Now I must tell you I have trouble believing in a school of 1200 that this doesn't happen but really what the hell? 

Here is Phoebe Prince - cute girl who moved here with her famiy from Ireland - the nice kids in Mass/America harassed her to the point of suicide.  This poor girl complained to school authorities that she was scared and they sent her back to class!  She took her own life after enduring months of abuse........God rest her soul.

I was once bullied like Phoebe - I endured months of abuse by a bunch of senior girls while I was a freshman.  Mostly I think because I was popular, a jock, and was being courted by a senior boy - a no-no I guess - I stood up to these girls and said "go ahead take your best shot" - nobody did.........times were different back then - this was 1979 - girls didn't really beat other girls up - but I can tell you I was scared - I hated walking to school - I knew every day that I would run into these girls.  Here's the funny thing - One of these girls tried to befriend me years later, one was my cousins sister in law - one of these girls I keep seeing in the grocery store 1 town over from where I grew up - she glares at me and I glare at her - she is a scum bag who looks like she just crawled out of the sewer, really!  I kid you not!  I still seeth every time I see her - and it seems to be more than I'd like lately - Note to self:  Alter shopping habits and times!

Rest is peace Phoebe Prince - and I hope these kids who tortured you get punished for what they did - it's wrong and nobody deserves to be treated that way. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Let's have a vote on a VERY important issue!

Well -  a couple of weekends ago, just as Ms.Bee was getting ready to head to Cape Cod for a hockey shebang  - Mr.Weatherman predicted unseasonably warm temperatures - that's all Ms.Bee needed to hear to break out the flip flops and sandels!  Woohoo!  However, when Ms.Bee went to her closet - she forgot that the Man's Man cleaned the closet a few weeks back - and when she opened the closet ALL of Ms.Bee's shoes were nowhere to be found!  Ms.Bee was agast!  Where are my shoe's MAN?????

Well the Man's Man said he'd get them for me, he just had to go look - that was clue #1 that the Man's Man didn't know where Ms.Bee's shoes were - and if Ms.Bee's intuition was correct - Ms.Bee knew that her shoes were gone forever.  Yes, it's true - the Man's Man has a VERY BAD habit of throwing away important things that belong to Ms.Bee.  Since this is not the first time the MAN has thrown things away Ms.Bee was pretty sure that she no longer had 12 or so pairs of shoes in the closet.  Not cheap one's either, some Dansko clogs - things from the walking company - some Clarks - things that help Ms.Bee move about the cabin with the least amount of foot pain!  Alas the flip flops were not to be - because THE MAN did in fact throw away Ms.Bee's shoes - he apologized - said it was a mistake - however Ms.Bee was mad! 

Now I will no longer bore you with the details of the shoe fall out, Ms.Bee just wants to know:  If your significant other threw your entire shoe collection away would you be mad?

I'll check in later - I think I'm going to go shoe shopping!